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Our School

Pleasant Hill is a neighborhood school serving students in preschool through sixth grade. Children are our first priority!

At Pleasant Hill, we focus on the three B's: Being Respectful, Being Responsible and Being Safe. To that end, we teach our students to respect their community and actively engage in opportunities to learn, grow, innovate and generate fresh ideas.

While we have a diverse student body, our students share many traits. They are curious, ambitious, interested in exploration and collaborative. We go to great lengths to nurture these traits and their sense of individuality. Our teachers and support staff cater their teaching styles to our students' individual needs. We are proud to develop our students' natural inquisitiveness with our environmental science focus!


Every student will be given the resources to perform proficiently at grade level by focusing on academic and social-emotional growth.


I am Vision 20/20!

Community Learning Centers

For our schools to transform, our communities must be revitalized. For our communities to revitalize, our schools must be transformed. They are dependent on each other, and Community Learning Centers are the link.

What is a Community Learning Center (CLC)?

Schools and the communities they serve are closely linked. Seldom does one succeed without the success of the other. That's why our CLCs support student achievement, enrich and revitalize communities, and maximize the community's return on their financial investment. We are very proud to be a CLC and a neighborhood anchor. We strive to go beyond academics to focus on the whole child by serving as a hub for community services that are available to all students, their families and the entire community. We are able to offer a variety of services thanks to the collaboration and support of our many partners and the committed community of Pleasant Hill Academy.

Our Resource Coordinator
The key component of a CLC is the partners who provide services and support. To manage and align these valuable partnerships, our full-time, onsite Resource Coordinator plays an integral role in the success of the CLC.

To learn more about the services available at our school or how your company or organization can become a CLC partner or volunteer, please contact our office at (513) 363-4300 or via email.