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Principal Message

Hello Pleasant Hill Families,

I am honored to return to Pleasant Hill as Principal. I began my career over twenty five years ago with the Cincinnati Public School District. I have served as a teacher and Principal in Cincinnati Public Schools. Throughout my years of service, I have always served with a strong emphasis on supporting the whole child. It is my goal to continue this tradition.

Before I go any further, I would like to tell you a little bit about me. I was born and raised in Cincinnati. I was raised by my parents Mr. Richard and Mrs. Helen McDowell. I am the youngest of five siblings. It has always been my goal to become an educator. I believe all children can learn and achieve at high levels if they are given the proper resources. I continue to strive and create a school culture with a focus that not only supports children's academic needs, but their social-emotional needs. As the principal of Pleasant Hill I carry on the commitment to serve as a role model and to demonstrate for my students that one’s character and intellect are reflected in the choices we make and the very choices we make will surely impact our future. I strongly believe that doing what is best for children and their future, is the promise one vows to keep upon joining this noble profession, thus I hold myself and my staff accountable for keeping that promise.

Now more than ever, in these times of great uncertainties, as we prepare them for college and beyond, our children need a great deal of social-emotional support as they deal with the impact of the recent events while also striving to meet the rigorous expectations of our curricula. I look forward to partnering with all of you to provide that guidance and support. I am- elated to see what lies ahead for our bright young students. We will equip them with great systems and structures to navigate through this world. It is my goal to continue to improve and strive for nothing less than excellence.

This is of course the first of many opportunities for me to communicate with you. If you have any questions, I can be reached via email at

Thank you,

Shauna McDowell