Community Resources
Included on this page is an array of resources to help our families find important information and stay engaged in their child's learning.
Families and Students
Below are links to some of the most important information you’ll need as you prepare your child for a rewarding educational experience in Cincinnati Public Schools.
- Enrollment
- CPS Parent and Student Forms
- Student Dining Services
- Transportation
- Severe Weather Procedures
Educational Resources
- Biography
- Fun Brain
- PBS Kids
- Public Library of Cincinnati
- States and Capitals
- Study Island
- Ticket to Read
- Web Math
Ready to Learn
Ready to Learn School Based Services (RtL), through The Child and Family Treatment Center, of Central Clinic Behavioral Health, provides and coordinates school-based behavioral health services – prevention education, intervention, and mental health therapy. RtL is the Lead Mental Health Partner for Pleasant Hill Academy. Services also include teacher/staff consultation and partner collaboration. Activities and services are designed to enhance the students’ strengths and reduce risk factors that are barriers to learning, allowing for social-emotional growth and academic achievement. Students referred to RtL will be assessed to determine which level of support/services a student may need. Services are inclusive of parent engagement and participation. In addition, referrals can be made for case management and medication treatment services as determined with family.
For more information, please contact:
Pamela Bowers, MS, LPC, LCDC-III
Director, Ready to Learn School Based Services
(Office) 513-558-6635 | Cell) 513-238-8010
Project Connect
For children who are experiencing homelessness, the risk of falling behind academically is significantly greater. Project Connect helps clear barriers to education for families who are homeless. From assisting with enrollment and promoting attendance to providing in-school and summer programs, Project Connect provides guidance and support to give a leg up for children and youth who are experiencing homelessness. Learn more about Project Connect and the services it offers.
Technology Tools
Schoology (pronounced "Skoo-luh-jee") Communication Tool Now Available — This integrated learning-management solution gives students, parents and teachers a new and easy way to connect and communicate.
Google Apps for Education — CPS has adopted Google Apps for Education as a key tool for student learning. Google Apps for Education is a web-based suite of programs provided by Google for schools to use. All Google Apps services can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Putting our Technology Tools to Work
Our world is driven by technology. Digital devices and software add a dynamic element that keeps students interested and provides access to tools that prepare them for the future.